Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When Squirrels go Nuts

When I read news stories like this one about Hoagie, it makes me proud to be a canine. If I could, I would lay my life down to protect my girls, Tier and Linda. Granted, I might not survive a 120 pound mountain lion attack like the lab-mix Hoagie did, but I would sure try my best. Hoagie had to have a 4 hour operation to save his life after being mauled by the lion. His humans were hiking on a trail when the attack occurred. They escaped without a scratch. Not Hoagie, who took the brunt of the attack. (I'm sure the lion had his share of bites too.) Next time a scary squirrel runs out on the trail in front of Linda, I'm going to be on sharp alert just in case it attacks.