Thursday, May 28, 2009

Even Jeopardy has Banned Bible Categories

Yesterday I wrote about a lady who could not display an American flag in her office because someone was offended. Today I read about a pastor in San Diego who is threatened with escalating fines in he continues to hold bible studies in his home. Officials sent them a letter saying inviting 15 people to their house was an "unlawful use of land" and told them to "stop religious assembly." It the pastor wants to keep having folks over for a bible study, he would need to apply for a permit which costs tens of thousands of dollars. What about guys who meet in their home to play poker for money? What about people who meet in their home to sell make-up? Lots of people gather at homes to watch football games on a weekly basis. What is happening to our country? These are just the highlights from the story. You can read it yourself on, the San Diego television web site.