Saturday we were freezing outside during that rain/hail storm. Today, it feels like July. When Linda got in her car to go to her afternoon classes, the temperature was 103 degrees! As she drove, it dropped to the high 80's. We've been outside on the deck sunning, but it's a little too hot for me with all this fur. I've got to get a hair cut, pronto! Also, big doings in front of our house this afternoon. Two cops came and arrested this lady in the street. She was dressed all in her business work clothes too. There wasn't a car around so it wasn't a traffic stop. We did not recognize her from the neighborhood either. They handcuffed her and put her in the squad car. It was just like TV where they hold on to your head when they stuff you in the back seat. Very weird. We did not want to be too conspicuous and take a photo of the cop car, so Linda helped me find one on the Internet. I guess some places use fancy sports cars for there police vehicles. They can always catch the bad guy trying to outrun them!