Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ain't No Sunshine When Shes Gone

This is the perfect day to stay in bed and do absolutely nothing. Oh wait, that is what I do everyday anyway. But really, this morning it is gray, overcast, chilly and dark so I really don't want to get up. Linda and Chimmie popped right up and jumped out of bed before 7 a.m. Linda is off to teach her 3 classes in a few minutes and Chimmie is off to the bathroom since he does not stay outside if it's raining. I'm switching from the BIG bed to my little snugging bed the second I finish my outside business and eat breakfast. The car show is probably not going to happen today since it is raining, so she'll be home after the gym. I'm looking forward to tomorrow afternoon when she will be home with us the entire time between her church services. After our Easter treat hunt, maybe we'll watch a netflix movie, go on a trail walk and then take a nap. To brighten this dreary day, here is the sunniest photo in my whole collection. Tier and Meg, BFF! Could there be any more beautiful girls? P.S. The iPhone reset during the night. When Linda tried to turn it back on, it worked!