Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Yip! Yip!
Linda is recharged and refreshed after her almost day off yesterday. Only teaching 3 classes was so easy, she could really get used to it! The overcast skies and possible rain prediction will be keeping Chimmie in the bathroom today. He's gotten so used to being out there that the 3 plus hours this morning and 4 hours tonight will be hard on his constant Road Runner-ish energy. (Come to think of it, he does remind me a little bit of the Road Runner... darting everywhere. Instead of leaving a "Beep Beep" behind, he leaves a "Yip Yip!") Hopefully, Jerry is supposed to be stopping in tonight while Linda is teaching to walk us. It's been weeks and weeks since he's visited, but it all depends on his work schedule and if he makes other plans. He won't believe how cute my new haircut is and how giant size Chimmie has grown to.