Thankfully, we got to sleep all the way to 7:00 a.m. today! Both Chim and Chip slept until the real alarm went off. Of course I stayed in bed until 8:00 getting my much needed beauty sleep. Linda is trying to decide if she should let Chim stay outside on the deck today. It looks like beautiful weather. Since she has not puppy proofed the gate on the deck yet, she is going to put the baby gate outside too. There are a few places around the fence line he might be able to escape from, so it's best if he is on the deck for now. She is going to give Paul a key (he works from home, this way if Chim barks like a maniac he'll hear it) so he can let Chim back in the house and put him in the bathroom if he is annoying the neighbors. Let's just hope he doesn't get dognapped by someone who knows he lives here and wants a ginormous Chihuahua for their very own.
UPDATE: Linda had to drive right past our house to get to her 2nd class of the day, so she popped in to check on Chimmie. He was asleep on the deck, but not in his dog house. So far so good. She is heading out now for her next two classes. Hopefully, all goes well for round 2.