Thursday, April 21, 2011

A True Omnivore

Anyone who reads my blog knows Chimmie loves to eat things. Of course you immediately think things like dog kibble, cheese and treats. No.. I mean all things, anything... especially outside things: leaves, rocks, sticks, deck wood and as Linda found out yesterday, clumps of freshly cut grass. When we got our grass cut yesterday, there were rows and rows of grass clippings left where the mower bag got to full so it just came out the sides and bottom of the mower. He immediately started eating the grass like it was strips of bacon. She had to lock him on the deck until she could call the guy back to get the grass raked up. Too late. He already ate enough to make him sick. Last night he puked green vomit and green other things too. I don't think it permanently hurt him, but can you say "ewwww!"
UPDATE: She just let him in from his morning backyard romp and he raced into the house with a giant clump of wet grass hanging out of his mouth. Looks like she'll be out there later on today raking up some more. Dumb dog.