The verdict: Chimmie loves being outside. When Linda came home for the second time, she could tell he had been inside his doghouse since the bed was all scrunched up. He did not even rush to come back inside. He greeted us and ran back out. Of course he could not just enjoy the sun and fresh air. He had to CHEW A HOLE IN THE DECK! Really? Are you a crazy dog or what? I think once he can go into the backyard, he won't be so bored because there will be a whole yard to explore. We might need to hook up the electric cattle fence Linda had installed to keep Sheba from digging under the fence. That worked great with Sheba. If she got to close to it... ZAP! She escaped under the fence and ran away about 5 times before Linda thought of that solution. If Chimmie digs under the fence or eats away the wood, it would be horrible if he got out and was lost or hit by a car. I think the cattle wire will have to be activated!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Are You Kiddin' Me?
The verdict: Chimmie loves being outside. When Linda came home for the second time, she could tell he had been inside his doghouse since the bed was all scrunched up. He did not even rush to come back inside. He greeted us and ran back out. Of course he could not just enjoy the sun and fresh air. He had to CHEW A HOLE IN THE DECK! Really? Are you a crazy dog or what? I think once he can go into the backyard, he won't be so bored because there will be a whole yard to explore. We might need to hook up the electric cattle fence Linda had installed to keep Sheba from digging under the fence. That worked great with Sheba. If she got to close to it... ZAP! She escaped under the fence and ran away about 5 times before Linda thought of that solution. If Chimmie digs under the fence or eats away the wood, it would be horrible if he got out and was lost or hit by a car. I think the cattle wire will have to be activated!