Thursday, April 28, 2011

Take Cover

Thankfully, we woke up with a roof still over our head, though there was a tornado warning for a town just a few miles away at 7:00 a.m. this morning. Friends of Linda in Tennessee were hit really hard. There have been lots of deaths and massive destruction from these twisters. I was shivering most of the night, pressed right up against Linda. Anytime there is strange weather, I get scared. I told her that the earthquake was going to happen when we were hit by that small tremor last July. A few times last night I made her nervous because I started whimpering and shaking harder. She thought for sure a tornado was getting ready to get us. Linda just prayed for safety and that we would be calm and it worked! This morning, we would have kept sleeping but someone woke us up super early with a subbing request text. Usually, we turn off the phone at night. Just to be on the safe side, we kept it on in case someone called us to take cover. Linda is keeping Chimmie inside today while she is working. In Fayetteville, a family watched as a twister swept their two dogs, a pit bull and a German Shepherd, up into the funnel. More than a week later, both dogs were found alive. Even though Chim is annoying, I don't want him blown away in a storm.