Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Calgon, Take Me Away

Linda is the tiredest she has ever been. She's taught 2 TKD and 3 hours of cardio classes today. Tonight, she did TKD, Combat and Water in Motion back to back. At the end of her last class, she said she almost fainted putting the stereo away. Her head was swimming after the aqua class (she does the entire aqua deck jumping and leaping on the pool deck where it's 100 degrees, so she wasn't really swimming) and her legs got kind of wonky. When she got home, she weighed herself and saw she lost 5 pounds! Better hydrate Linda or you'll get muscle cramps. Even I know to drink after my exercise. Jerry did come while Linda was teaching. We had a 50 minute walk and I did not do the "carry me" sign once. He left before she got home, but he did send her a text saying how incredibly cute I look in my new haircut. She's resting now after a steaming hot shower and wishing she had this soaking tub inside her house. Thankfully she has a very easy day tomorrow, only two classes Wednesday (5 on Thursday) and just ONE! on Friday. Woo-Hoo for Friday!!