Chimmie is in T R O U B L E. Linda should have never felt bad for him and left him gated in the back of the house. She was gone from 7-9:30 and in that short time, he chewed a giant hole in the carpet near her bedroom door. He chewed so far down that the wood and nails are showing! That just sealed his fate. Too bad Chimmie. During rainy, snowy, cold, too hot weather or night time you are now living in the bathroom. Other times, you'll be outside. Hopefully, she can get it fixed by taking a piece of carpet out of one of the closets and patching it. Bad Dog. Your lucky that Linda just does not take you to the dog pound. You better start behaving or else!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
But I'm REALLY Sorry
Chimmie is in T R O U B L E. Linda should have never felt bad for him and left him gated in the back of the house. She was gone from 7-9:30 and in that short time, he chewed a giant hole in the carpet near her bedroom door. He chewed so far down that the wood and nails are showing! That just sealed his fate. Too bad Chimmie. During rainy, snowy, cold, too hot weather or night time you are now living in the bathroom. Other times, you'll be outside. Hopefully, she can get it fixed by taking a piece of carpet out of one of the closets and patching it. Bad Dog. Your lucky that Linda just does not take you to the dog pound. You better start behaving or else!