Linda thought she got an entire 30 minutes of uninterrupted study time in this morning. I was on her lap sleeping and Chimmie was playing quietly (she should have known) on the floor with a toy. When she finally took a little break, she noticed he was gone and in his place, a little pile of fluff. Oh no. Over to her bedroom she goes, and she finds an even bigger pile of fluff. Down the hall into the living room and there he is, with his bear and another pile of fluff. He tore a 1" hole in the butt of the bear and pulled out all the stuffing! He dragged it from room to room so she would not catch him in the act. She tried to photograph it all over our carpet, but since the fluff and carpet is white, it would not show up. Here it is all amassed on our table. At this rate, he is destroying 2-3 toys a day. The only 2 soft toys that have endured his torture is flat fox and flat coyote. They are still soft, but don't have any stuffing in them for him to pull out.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Another One Bites the Dust
Linda thought she got an entire 30 minutes of uninterrupted study time in this morning. I was on her lap sleeping and Chimmie was playing quietly (she should have known) on the floor with a toy. When she finally took a little break, she noticed he was gone and in his place, a little pile of fluff. Oh no. Over to her bedroom she goes, and she finds an even bigger pile of fluff. Down the hall into the living room and there he is, with his bear and another pile of fluff. He tore a 1" hole in the butt of the bear and pulled out all the stuffing! He dragged it from room to room so she would not catch him in the act. She tried to photograph it all over our carpet, but since the fluff and carpet is white, it would not show up. Here it is all amassed on our table. At this rate, he is destroying 2-3 toys a day. The only 2 soft toys that have endured his torture is flat fox and flat coyote. They are still soft, but don't have any stuffing in them for him to pull out.