Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You Know You Want to Walk Me

I'm so glad that Jerry was able to come after work and take us out for a walk then play with me and Chim.  Even though it was cold, I still walked the whole way.  We each got new toys today before Linda left for work.  Of course my bear looks good as new and Chimmie's duck is almost destroyed.  He loves it though and has been killing it with all his might.  Linda left at 3:00 today and did not get home until a little after 8:00, so he had awhile to work on it before Jerry got here.  Since the stupid sink does not drain, Linda could not cook dinner when she finally came home (starving!), so instead she drank a ready-made protein shake.  The fix-it man will be here tomorrow afternoon, so we won't have to deal with the clogged drain and broken garbage disposal much longer.  Paul Walker is our walker tomorrow.  Linda has five classes to teach, a Dr.'s appointment and church at night.  Noah walks us Thursday and Linda is our Friday walker.  We need one more walker to fill in some time slots.  Any volunteers?  You get lots of free kisses and unconditional love.