Monday, December 19, 2011


Carrot Cake is healthy for dogs too, right?
Linda is hoping she is not coming down with some bug.  Nothing aches, hurts or feels sickly, but she is just so tired.  It's only 8:20 and she is going to bed.  Getting though her 4 classes today was super hard and she's not had any appetite.  Since she knows better than to go a full day without eating, she made herself a real dinner of poached flounder and mashed squashiflower. (That's cooked butternut squash (thanks Erica!) combined with cauliflower all smashed up in the food processor... it's delicious.)  Even her constant craving for a giant slab of carrot cake has been absent today.  She is planning on either baking one or buying one for the Christmas Eve party at Sarah and Taylor's.  She'll eat the slice there and then leave the cake so she does not finish it off when she gets home.  I guess the best thing to do when you just feel tired is to sleep and believe for the best come morning.  She has a ton of stuff to do:  laptop purchasing; cleaning the house; wrapping presents; studying, bill paying and more... all before her afternoon/evening classes.  Oh, and take us for a long walk since she totally flaked out and did not take us today.