Saturday, December 24, 2011

Free Willy and Ugly Presents

Christmas Eve already!  Linda had her shopping done for awhile now and it was all wrapped, but she had to put name tags on the gifts last night.  There is another tradition (besides breakfast at iHop) that the family does.  First, it's OK, and even more than OK, to wrap the presents a little messy.  No neat corners or lined up prints are expected.  Some of them need to be wrapped in the worst possible way.  Taylor always wins the contest, hands down.  Tierney usually goes the easy route and does not wrap.  She uses the expensive gift bags and red bows that come from Nordstrom's for free when you shop there.  Sarah is just learning the tradition, she usually is very neat in her corners.  Then, in the "from" line, you must use names of all the family pets, both living and dead.  When you run out of pet names, then you can just use your imagination.  For instance, a pair of shoes might be from Jimmy Choo, a basketball from Air Jordan, a new skillet from Rachel Ray.  Linda was tired when she was making the tags last night so there is even one from Free Willy although the gift has nothing to do with whales. (Annoying!  Right while I was typing this the computer automatically shut down and logged off to start adding Windows updates.)