Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can You See Me Now?

Rockin' the Oakley's

A Typical Tierney Pose
After Linda picked up Noah, she had to stop and get Taylor's birthday present.  Noah LOVED sitting in the fancy shopping cart at the store.  Of course everything on the shelves was right at his level since he sat low and in front, so she had to do some defensive steering so he did not pull things off the shelves.  For some reason, she does not remember having to deal with this when Tierney and Taylor were toddlers.  Maybe it's just selective memory.  Anyway, after a fun time in the store, Noah started making his hungry sounds.  He doesn't cry, me just starts making loud "Ummmmmm" (maybe he's saying YUM?) noises.  Linda took him to a place she knew served plain, non-spicy chicken breast, so while she ate a salad, he had cubed chicken and a bread stick.  It's amazing how cute he is.  Linda said everyone stops to make goo-goo faces at him.  Noah flirts, smiles and waves each time, so they even gush more!  Linda let him watch Toy Story on her iPhone while he ate to keep him occupied.  He didn't drop one piece of chicken or make a mess at all!  After he ate, Noah discovered Linda's sunglasses are pretty handy when you want to go incognito and not be recognized.  Now he's conked out asleep on the bed recharging his batteries for a long afternoon of playing.