Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Real Purse Puppy

This was pre-Chimmie.  See all my toys? 

I remember back in the day before Chimmie came to live with us, I had about 100 toys and Linda carried me everywhere in her purse.  Since Chimmie came to live with us, my life has changed so much.  All my toys are in shreds and I don't go as many places with Linda.  But, I have a friend who loves me and has made my life much happier.  He is such a sweet dog and I'm glad he lives with us.  We both got to take a 30-minute walk tonight with Jerry while Linda was teaching.  He could only stay for a little while because he had plans, but I'm super happy for the time he spent with us.  Before she left for work this afternoon,  Linda tried to get her old-school desktop computer up and running.  No can do.  Tierney had unplugged the keyboard about 4 years ago, and Linda did not know how to plug it back in.  She tried 10 different ports, but they were all the wrong size.  Jerry tried to fix it while he was here, but Linda bent the prongs trying to shove it in the wrong opening.  Yes, she is clueless when it comes to cars and computers (and using most hand tools.)  When people say "Oh, it's so easy... watch me and then you try" it makes her feel so nervous, she stops listening and forgets everything.  I told her shes great at a lot of stuff and not to worry, but sometimes it does make her sad that she is not more handy.  Besides, the most important things don't require tools, wires or ports.   She is the best at what really counts... and that is caring for and loving us!