Best sleeping bag ever! |
Baby, it's cold outside! 28 degrees is even a little too nippy for my furry body. We all let Linda sleep until 6:50 because none of us wanted to get out of our warm, cozy beds. (Not as cozy as if we got to sleep inside of a bear!) I ran out like a good girl, but Linda had to chuck Chimmie out the sliding glass door because he wouldn't budge. Neither one of us wasted anytime finding a spot to go and get right back inside. Paul Walker is supposed to come today to walk us around 11:30. By then, the temp should be around 45, so we'll be fine. Linda has a busy day: 3 classes, 3 basketball games (one of those Taylor coaches!) and a night at the Town Center with friends. All that busyness for her equals lots of loneliness for us. She would opt to be home more if it was her choice, but when it's a church activity or friends ask her to fellowship, that takes priority to her staying home and not being so busy. With the colder weather, Chim and I are both sleeping more anyway. Maybe we are feeling the need to start hibernating to conserve energy and body fat to keep us warm.