Friday, December 16, 2011

Best Idea Since Sliced Bread

Three Slices of Bread=1/2 Hour of Body Pump
All sorts of food products have the calories listed on them.  Now, even some restaurants are putting the calorie counts on their menus.  I think most people ignore them because they don't want to know the truth.  When your at Cheesecake Factory, do you really want to know the slice of dessert you just ate has 1600 calories?  I thought not.  What if instead of the calories, it said "One Slice=2 Hours of Running??"  What if that Big Mac said "One Burger=90 Minutes of Biking?"  Would you think twice about what you ordered?  Linda said she would, for sure.  If all foods had exercise equivalents on the label, she thinks people would eat soooo much better.