Tuesday, December 27, 2011

If The Shoe Fits...

Yesterday, Linda was convicted to stop worrying about what she will be wearing to her friends Cris's  wedding later this week.  She decided on a plain black dress already in her closet and just a tad more makeup than normal. No more focusing on the outside while neglecting the inside.  While she was returning all Tierney and Sarah's wrong gifts today, she wanted to spend the incredibly generous gift card that Cris gave her for Christmas. Well, since she wasn't going to fuss anymore about the clothes and just wear something she already owned, she thought she would spend the gift card on shoes for the wedding. She found a pretty pair with a Tierney style heel.  Since super-high heels are not something she is used to, Linda was a little nervous.  The shoes fit great, but she decided to wear them around the store while she shopped  to make sure they that she wouldn't trip or turn her ankle walking down the aisle at church.  After 15 minutes, her lower back started aching.  In 5 more minutes, the pain was up her spine into her upper back.  Wearing the giant high heels must have pinched the dumb nerve in her back again!!  The rest of the afternoon she was crooked and in pain.  She had to ice and take drugs to be able to teach her 3 classes this afternoon.  Now it's a little better, but she is going to have to take it easy the next few days.  I think if she would have listened to her conviction, the back pain would never have happened.  Oh, and she did put the shoes back and bought a pair of Joe's Jeans instead.  They are super comfortable and soft.  Just her style.