Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years

"I knew I should have drank from the toilet instead of the martini glass"
Back in the day, Linda would never in a million years turn down invitations to do something on New Year's Eve.  In fact, she would stress that there wouldn't be any invites and she would be stuck home.  Times sure have changed.  Now, her activity of choice is to stay home.  Being with Tier, Taylor and Sarah would have been nice, but they had plans.  The next choice, get caught up on some TV shows she missed, update her iPod classic and iPhone to sync with the new laptop and eat fun snacks.  Pizza from the corner Eye-Talian joint by our house would be really yummy, but that would require getting out of her jammies and putting shoes on. Maybe they deliver??  The weather is still nice enough for a walk, but her knees are a little swollen from the trail run she did with Chim after his nail fiasco today.  All in all, it's going to be a very, very lazy New Year's Eve.  Yay for us!