Friday, December 30, 2011

First Down!

For the FIRST time ever, Chimmie lasted the entire night in The Big Bed!  Granted, Linda went to bed late after the wedding and got up early, but he still was a very good boy and did not wiggle, shake or lick her until 1 minute before the alarm went off.  She was super careful and wore her robe to bed just in case he crawled under the covers again while she was sleeping.  Chances are she would not get a rash and all itchy, but she wasn't taking any chances.  In other exciting news, Noah is coming over today with Taylor and Sarah!  Linda has to teach all morning and then is meeting them for lunch.  Since she will be gone for hours, Taylor offered to come and let us outside and throw the ball for Chimmie.  Taylor is an amazing athlete and could probably throw the ball the length of a football field if we had a yard that big.  How cool would that be?  Chim would get tired out after only twenty times of fetch instead of the 100 times it usually takes him.