Thursday, December 15, 2011

Love Means SAYING Your Sorry

I don't know where the saying "Love means never meaning to say your sorry" came from.  Is it a old wives tale, a book, movie? (OK, it's a movie.  I found out when I googled the saying.) "  I think it would be the exact opposite.  If you love someone, don't you want to say your sorry when you are wrong?  And right away??  Even though there are only a handful of my blog readers I actually love, I still need to do this.  I want to apologize to all the professional blog readers about something I've occasionally blogged about that is considered bad form and a big no-no.  Since this is my first blog, I had no idea it was rude and would never subject my readers to something that is equivalent to eating rancid, undercooked beef until Tierney mentioned it to Linda.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, just skip this post.  If you do, then I PROMISE never to do it again.  Forgive me???