Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Public Service Announcement

My weight has been creeping back up. I am supposed to be about 3.5 pounds and I weigh 5 pounds. Proportional, that is like being obese. A normal BMI for humans is 19-24. Top researchers know that people who are overfat, with a BMI from 30 to 35, lost about three years of life. Folks who were morbidly fat, with a BMI over 40, lost 10 years of their lifespan. That is about the same as if you smoke. Morbidly fat people are two-thirds more likely to die of heart attacks, strokes and 4 times more likely to die of diabetes, kidney or liver problems. To check your BMI, go to www.mayoclinic.com. Of course if you are a professional body builder, the BMI calculator does not work so good since muscle is so dense. If you have to squeeze into the seat at the movies or need a seat belt extender on a plane, you might want to eschew the drive-thru. If you are a little dog like I am, the BMI calculator really does not work either. When my navy pea coat won't button anymore, I know I need to cut back the treats and exercise more.