Tuesday, March 10, 2009

He's Guarding the Gates!

Everyday I miss my buddy Snickers. He has been gone for quite awhile now, but I still can smell his scent on certain things. I loved him so much, it still hurts my heart. We are going to create a virtual memorial for our Good Old Dog Snickers who is now in dog heaven. Linda just came across a website where you can memorialize your pets memory. You pick your tombstone, write the pets name, date of birth-death, epitaph (up to 50 words) and a special symbol for the gravestone. You can choose to have the gravestone placed at the beach, desert or the woods. Finally, you upload a photo of your pet. As soon as we finish writing the epitaph, we'll put the web address up so you can visit. In lieu of flowers, we request a donation to your local animal shelter.