Thursday, March 26, 2009

Above all, do no harm

Linda told me that the nurses at Sarah's work read my blog. Wow! I have some very professional people who follow my life. Some of Tierney's professors at college read my blog too. Maybe I better start posting some lofty, intellectual stories too hold their interest. This might be interesting to the nurses. There was a brain surgeon who was operating on a patient at a Naples Hospital. During the surgery, the surgeon had an angina attack while he was removing a giloblastoma tumor from a patient. He refused to stop operating, even though he had serious pain in his chest. He was in a delicate part of the surgery and did not feel like he could safely stop the surgery. After the surgery, the surgeon had tests that showed he was indeed having a heart attack. Immediately following the patients brain surgery, the Dr. had his own angioplasty operation to open the blocked artery. Both patient and surgeon are recovering.