Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Story of Chimmie

Chimmie with his brothers and sisters

How cute are they?!
Months and months later, after the Taylor incident, Linda had really given up on getting another dog.  She stopped going to the adoption events and was pretty sure I would be an only child.  One November morning, she realized that she forgot to buy cat food and needed to run to the Giant near our house.  She thought about going to Target (since it's way funner than Giant), but she usually spends a lot more $ on useless things at Target, so Giant it was.  On the way out, Linda noticed an index card on the community board.  There was a photo of some little puppies for sale.  One of the puppies stopped her in her tracks.  It was a mini-Snickers!  She called the number and went right over to see the pups.  The man who owned the parents was named Hector. According to Hector, he married a women who worked for the State Department and moved here from Mexico with his two Chihuahuas.... Chim's parents.  (Chimmie looked exactly like his Dad.  His Mom was beige.)  The second Linda sat on the ground and mini-Snickers ran up onto her lap, she lost all reason and sensibility.  That puppy was going home with her, no ifs...ands... or buts!  Chimmie cost $275.  His first vet visit was $200, his next $400 (that was his big boy surgery).  Turns out, it would have been a lot cheaper for Linda if she would have just gone to Target to buy cat food!!!