Such a sweet boy! |
I kind of knew this was going to happen. Linda is too tired from teaching her three classes to take us to a big park for our trail walk. She met Sarah, Taylor and Christine for lunch on the way home, so she was much later than normal. Instead of her lunch reviving her (talipa and broccoli) she now feels super sleepy. She initially told the kids she would go back over and help with the tree decoration, but she really needs to take a short nap. Since it is in the high 60's, Chim and I are going to spend an hour out in the back while she lays down for a bit. Instead of tree decorating, she'll take us on our regular trail when she wakes up. Linda says it feels like her leg muscles are made of concrete and it's hard to lift her arms. She'll need her strength to carry me when I get tired and maneuver across the stream without falling in. Look how adorable Noah looks during his nap.