Monday, November 21, 2011

It's a Whole New World

You would think that since Linda is a vegetarian, she would know what every single vegetable taste like and how to cook it.  Not true.  There are quite a few veggies she is scared of.  Not the run and hide kind of scare, but the not knowing how to cook it and it would probably taste bad anyway.  Here are just a few that have never made it to her plate:  kale, beets, Brussel sprouts, squash and lima beans.  Since she is supposed to bring squash to the Thanksgiving dinner, she figured she better suck it up and actually buy one.  While she was at Trader Joes this morning, the produce girl talked her into buying some Brussels sprouts too.  She told her to rub olive oil on them and loosen the little leaves off.  Then, season them with the Trader Joe's African Smoked seasoning. As soon as she got home from the store, she was starving for lunch.  After 20 minutes roasting at a high temperature, she tried a Sprout.  OMYGOSH!  It was amazing.  It is her new favorite food.  They get crunchy like potato chips, but taste 100x better.  Tonight for dinner, she is going to make the squash and see if it tastes as good.  Check back later tonight to see if Linda overcomes her squash fear.  Thanks to Erica for opening her up to a whole new world of veggies!