Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Old Chimmie

This used to be Chimmie at the dog park.  He would climb up your body like a cat to get away from the other dogs.
It's Paul Walker day.  He usually comes about 2 hours after Linda leaves for church and stays until about 30 minutes before she is due home, so our Sunday morning is super fun.  Since the air temperature is already on the mild side, he will most probably take us on the trail or maybe even to the dog park!  When Chimmie was little, he hated the dog park and would have  panic attacks. Now, you can put him on the ground and pretty much ignore him.  Paul can sit and read a book while we run around and play.  Linda has not decided if she is going to lunch with the crew today.  Since she is still doing her healthy no junk, sugar or white food eating, it makes it hard to eat out.  She could get a slab of fish, steamed veggies and a salad, but that is expensive at restaurants.  Friday night she had to go right from work to the Skit Talent Show, so she had to.  A small piece of salmon, blah broccoli and a lettuce only salad was $15.  It is much cheaper (under $5) to eat a black bean burrito or fried tofu.  Only 18 more days of the super clean eating and then she will switch to 2 days off and 5 days a week eating healthy.  Who knows, she might have killed her taste buds for sugar altogether by then!