Wednesday, November 30, 2011

One More Sleep!

We all miss Noah, one more day til he's here!  It's been two weeks since we've seen him.  Linda's heart hurts because she loves him so much.  Since last Thursday was Thanksgiving, we didn't have him at our house.  He was walking everywhere the last we saw him, Linda said to be prepared for him to run after me tomorrow!  At Target, Linda found these little toy animals that make sounds.  When you press the button on their belly, they Moo, Oink, Neeeeigh, Roar, Make elephant noises (Linda does not know how to type that sound), Cluck, Quack and Baaaah.  He is going to love them!  Be prepared for some fun video tomorrow of him playing with them.  Guess what one will be his favorite?  Yep, MOOOOOO!  She got them for Christmas, but there is no way she'll not be able to give them to him tomorrow.  She has another present for him that she'll wait until the Thursday before Christmas.  This was the last photo she took of him..  Linda met Sarah at Starbucks so she could take him for a few hours before Gretel got off work.  He's eating an apple like a big boy.