Thursday, November 10, 2011

Maybe This is Where Chimmie Gets it From?

Same EXACT pose... every picture they take.  Even the arm angle.
Linda giving up sugar and crazy amounts of diet coke has had one incredible side effect.  She slept all night and woke up at 7:30!  She even fell asleep quickly.  All the water she's drinking made her have to get up in the night to go "outside" but she still fell right back asleep with no problem.  If this trend continues, she might have to just forgo the sugar/soda for longer than 4 weeks.  Maybe she'll learn how to eat/drink it in moderation and not feel like you need something sweet every single day.  (Is that even possible??)  She really needs to work on finding the "gray" in her life.  In some areas, she is OK.  Like cleaning.  She likes her house super clean upstairs, but downstairs (where she only goes to do laundry and change the litter box) she only cleans about once a month.  If she were really black/white, she would clean the whole house everyday, right?  Today is her day to go to the bank... except she has no banking to do.  She's fighting the temptation to go into the bank anyway since Thursday morning is banking day.  It throws her off kilter if she changes the schedule.  Maybe the teller will miss her and think something happened to her??  He's always waiting for her to find out how Noah is doing or how her back feels.  See, that's just crazy thinking.  Sounds neurotic to me Linda.
P.S.  Her muscles did not twitch at all last night either!!!