Sunday, November 13, 2011

Basket of Cuteness

Today was the first day I've had hits from a Play Station and a Nintendo 3.  I had no idea you could read my blog on a gaming system.  Just goes to show how little I (or Linda) know about geeky stuff.  There were also some new readers from Hungary and the Philippines.  Do you think one day I'll be such a celebrity that I'll be invited on Ellen or one of those late night talk shows that feature popular internet personalities?  My trick would be to just sit there on the chair for the whole show like a bump on a log.  I wouldn't even twitch a paw. The camera would zoom in and out and I would be a statue.  When I played Toto in my first starring role, nobody could believe I had not had acting experience before.  There is rumors that the Wizard of Oz is almost done with the editing process.  The second it is done, I'll be posting the Youtube link on my blog.