Tuesday, July 29, 2008


This is just a terrible story. A Labrador puppy killed a 2-month old baby who was left unattended in his swing seat. The mom and grandma were home, but in another room. I can't even imagine what in the world got into the puppy to attack the baby. Maybe it was just playing with it and did not know it was hurting him. I'm sure the baby was crying, why didn't the mom come in the room to see what was going on? It's tragic, but mom's know the difference in their baby's cries. Being hurt sounds a whole lot different then needing to be changed. They must be in terrible shock, but I wonder if neglect charges will be filed? As I've said in past posts, we are animals and do not always act predictable. Please be responsible with children and pets left unsupervised. Next thing you know, warning labels will have to be tattooed into dogs. "Don't leave alone with babies" "Don't leave in hot car" "Feed and water daily."