Monday, July 21, 2008

I Want To Believe

When Tierney was in 3rd grade, she watched a real life (fake) TV drama about a family trapped in their house because aliens landed in their yard. They were killed one at a time until all that was left was the boy who was holding the hand held camcorder. It petrified her for months and months. She put empty cans on her windowsill so she could hear if an alien tried to break in. If she would have read this list of things to prevent abductions, she would have slept better. Here they are: Leave bright light on. Use a warning buzzer that will alarm you if the power goes off. If you have floor fans turn them all on with air-stream directed away from you. Spread salt all around your bed. Sleep with iron bars nearby or preferably, next to you. Pray and sleep with religious book, picture, etc around you. Visualize white light surrounding and protecting you.
If that still does not make you feel safe, you can always buy an abduction insurance policy for $19.95.