Friday, July 18, 2008

Out Dam Spot, Part 2

Another blistering day. Linda was so worried about Snickers being outside that she called Tierney and had her come home at lunch to let the big guy in so he wasn't outside in the heat of the day. Tierney came home at 12:30 and Linda got home 2:30. Do you know how much diarrhea damage can be done in 2 hours? Just like yesterday, only it was today. (Duh) Another huge mess to clean up. We can't figure out why he keeps having D. She still loved on Snickers because he can't help it since he is old and sickly. I guess we need to start thinking about All Dogs Go To Heaven. Oh... I'm crying typing it. What else can we do? He'll bust his way out of the kitchen during the day because he HATES it in there. When he gets out, I get out and chew giraffe's ears off that Tier bought back from Africa. It's just too hot for him to stay outside, what to do... what to do.