Friday, July 4, 2008

The problem with the gene pool is there is no lifedog

Bilbo is an amazing lifeguard dog in Britain who has saved 3 people from drowning. He paddles through the waves up to struggling swimmers and they grab the float fixed to his harness. Bilbo then totes them back to the beach. Although he is a hero, he was been fired from his duties according to the Lifeguard association because he would fail the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation test. They also say that dogs are not allowed on the beach. Head lifeguard and Bilbo's owner, Steve Jamieson is understandably upset about the situation. The firing sparked petitions and campaigns all over the country to see Bilbo return to work. Due to the tremendous support for the lifedog, it looks like the council will reverse their decision and allow him to continue to save lives and serve the community. You go Bilbo!!