Saturday, July 19, 2008

Another Dog Saves the Day

I have a carrying pack that I snuggle in while Linda takes Snickers for a walk. We call it the Choop-a-Roo because she looks like a kangaroo when she carries me. When a baby roo is born, it is the size of a Lima bean, and I thought I was small! It stays in the pouch for a long time drinking milk and growing stronger. They can get very big and strong, like this kanga who attacked a poor old women who was checking on her horses. The 6'5" beast jumped up and landed on the lady seriously injuring her. Their hind leg nails are so sharp they can disembowel its foes. Lucky for the lady, she had a dog who came to her rescue and chased it off. They can leap to speeds of 44 mph, but usually go between 13-25 mph. There has only been one known death by kangaroo and that was a long time ago. They are normally shy with humans, but will box & grapple with other males for fun and dominance. I could save Linda from a kangaroo attack.. as long as it was the Musky Rat-kangaroo, which only grows to 9 inches long.

What do you get if you cross an elephant and a kangaroo?
Big holes all over Australia!