Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dangerous Times

We've all been talking a lot of walks lately. Both Snickers and I really look forward to our nightly outing. All Linda has to say is "Should I get my shoes on?" and we both go crazy with anticipation. There has been quite a few rabid raccoons attacking pets in our county, so we have to be very careful and on the lookout for anything that is suspicious. Imagine how it would be if a giant owl scooped down out of the sky and tried to grab me with its claws? Well that is what was happening in a town near Norwich. At least five dogs have been targeted by a gangsta' owl who was looking for some dinner. An 84 year old man used a broom handle to beat off the bird (who's wing span is more than 5 feet) as it attacked his little dachshund, Heidi. Finally, Kevin Slater who is an amateur falconer was able to throw a net over the owl as it swooped down to attack 2 golden retrievers. Owly is now being housed in a bird sanctuary and has stopped terrorizing the neighborhood dogs. That's not nearly as bad as a pack of renegade black squirrels in Russia who were eating stray dogs in a city park. When they ate all the dogs, they started attacking people. One of the rodents jumped in a 70 year old womens window and started bitting her on the head as she sat on her couch. She managed to run outside and shake the squirrel off, but its blood lust still wasn't sated and he went on to attack 2 other people before someone clubbed it to death.