Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sickness Update

I am so much better today. I feel almost human (I mean dog-like) again. The Vet called last night to check up on me. She wanted me to come in right away for one more shot, but Linda said she wanted to hold off to see how I did today. I've had so many drugs, shots and X-rays, that is probably worse for me then whatever sickness I have. Oh, and she said I am 1/2 pound overweight! The nerve. There was a giant dog scale in the examining room, besides the little baby scale I weigh on. I made her get on the big scale and she was 135 pounds and I was 5 1/2 pounds, so she better watch who she calls fat. It looks like I'll be getting less treats and special food for fat dogs. Good thing Linda is a Weight Watcher leader and aerobic instructor, she can be my personal trainer. This doggie treadmill would give me something to do while Linda is at work.