Friday, April 19, 2013

The Preppy Lobster

Did you know lobsters can live up to 50 years in the wild?
Linda gave Tierney a prize tonight at church. Tierney loves all things nautical.  She loves all things Preppy. When you combine nautical and preppy she is very happy.  A lobster on a navy/white striped towel? .... She is ecstatic!!  Even Penny liked the design.
A 44 pound lobster was once caught in Canada.

 This is how Tierney used to feel about her unusual name:

One time when she was about 8 years old Linda took her to summer day camp.  At the end of the first day, she went to pick her up.  Linda introduced herself to the camp councilor and told them she was there to pick up Tierney.  The girl said "We don't have a Tierney."  What?  Linda freaked out since she dropped her off that morning.  Tierney told everyone her name was Elizabeth (her middle name) because she was embarrassed about her different name.   Now she loves her name and it fits her personality perfectly.

 It's been a very rainy afternoon/evening.  We got our exercise in while it was still dry when PW walked us, but tonight Linda had to force us to go off the deck.  She used her "I MEAN NOW" voice and we obeyed.  I hate having to go in the wet grass.  Just last Saturday Linda did all that mowing and it's already tall enough to hit my belly. (Well, my belly is only 3" off the ground, so I guess it's not that tall.)