Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sick Chimi and Josh Fixes the Fence

"Please, no photos when I'm not at my best."

This time, it isn't me that has to go for an emergency vet visit.  Chimi isn't feeling very good.  If you know Chimi like I know Chimi, you can tell by his eyes that he isn't 100%. Last night he had an messy accident in his room and then vomited some clear liquid a little bit later.  He just wanted to sleep and not have any food, so Linda let him rest.  When she got home from teaching at 10:30 a.m., there were puddles of brown vomit all over the carpet, chair and hardwood floor.  Poor Chimi.  He was so sorry and kept his head down and eyes averted from Linda.  She have him "it's OK big guy" hugs and cleaned it all up.  There were parts of little green leaves in the puddles.  She picked them out (gross) and put them in a baggie to take to the vet.  Since Linda has class, PW is going to take him at 4:00.  Hopefully, he will be fine and not require any medicine, xrays, tests or expensive surgery. Sometimes dogs eat grass and stuff when they have a tummy ache to make them puke.  It better not be a poison plant.

Our broken fence is now fixed!  Josh (Sarah's brother) came over and totally made it like new.  He is a master woodworker kind of guy.  He is great at crafting built in bookshelves, dressers, laying hardwood floors and even intricate hand carved wood fountain pens.  Fixing our fence was like going to Kindergarten to him.  He hopped back and forth over the 6 foot fence like a gazelle.
Carpenter Josh
Now the bunny won't be coming into our backyard.  Chimi won't be able to see his buddy, the little white dog, in the yard behind ours either.  That is going to make him crazy as soon as he feels better and goes to investigate.