Monday, April 15, 2013

So Sad

It is so sad about the Boston Marathon tragedy.  One of the spin instructors from her gym was actually running in the race.  He was already back in his hotel when the explosions happened, but he reported that he could hear both blasts. I just hope the person(s) responsible are caught.  A little 8-year old boy was killed and so many people injured.  How horrible.

 Linda will be doing the Race for Hope again in DC in just a few weeks.  It's such a great opportunity to raise money for brain cancer research and support her good friend Carol.  She is believing that people don't back out of the race because of fear. 
That's Carol in the middle wearing the yellow shirt.  She is an amazing survivor, persevering through 3 very invasive brain surgeries.  Every Friday, Carol does Linda's Body Pump class (plus Yoga on other days.)  She was the first non-family member to ever hold me when I was just a newborn puppy.