Thursday, November 3, 2011

Everything is Fun when You're One!

"Wow!  This Waterfall is so cool!"
Noah has kept Linda on her toes today.  Now that he is a big 1-year old, she has to watch him every single second because he is getting into everything. Oh, and he took 8 little steps alone when he walked from the coffee table to the chair!  All he wanted to do the first 1/2 hour he was here is climb on and off the big chair in the living room.  He'd climb up (with a little boost from Linda), jump and laugh, then climb back down. Noah loves the little knobs on the furniture.  He likes to turn the draw pulls round and round.  Linda sat there and watched him totally unscrew one and take it off the dresser!  He wouldn't eat the delicious lunch she made (chopped chicken, bits of cheese, applesauce), but he has had two bottles of milk and some cheerios.  All that playing wore him out so he took a 20 minute nap. When he woke up, we all took a 40 minute stroller walk.  Next came a fun bath and he now he is playing peek-a-boo behind Linda's laptop.  We wish Noah could stay with us 5 days a week, but he loves going to Michalea's house Mon-Wed and then he double loves spending Friday with Sarah and Taylor.