Friday, July 1, 2011

News From the Zone

OK, this is getting Twilight Zone. Last week I wrote that Linda caught Chimmie closing the gate on the deck. (read about it on 6/25) He can get it shut enough to latch it too. For the longest time she thought a friend or foe was coming on the deck and shutting the gate at night. Then when he locked me off the deck one day while she was home, she knew he was the foe. Today, no lie.... he unlatched the gate. She put him out there at 8:30 this morning before she left. It's the same routine. He has to sit on his deck bed and wait patiently for his cookie while she shuts and latches the gate. She is 100% sure it was shut and latched good and hard. She just got home and what did she find? That the darn dog had the gate open and was down playing in the yard! How could he be that smart and so incredibly dumb at the same time???