Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hot Dog

Get it? Hot Dog... hot dog? It was so hot and muggy early this morning when we went for our first walk of the day. Linda said I have to wear my harness now, no more free walks. There are some mean dogs in our neighborhood and I don't want to end up as a snack for one who might break lose. It wasn't comfortable to wear and with the hot weather, I refused to budge. Linda had to carry me most of the way. Chim acted like it was a balmy 72 degrees. The heat does not bother him one bit. When it's cold, the Chihuahua in him shivers all over. Then Chim is the one that wants to be carried and I scamper along. I do much better in the cold than he does, so I guess we are even. Linda has 2 hours before her next class, but besides the heat, now it's super humid because it looks like rain is on the way. (Here comes the thunder now....)