Saturday, July 9, 2011

Who'll Stop the Rain?

We got caught in the rain last night during our walk. We had one walk in the morning, but Chim didn't get any exercise besides that and playing in the backyard. The temperature was nice and it didn't feel like rain, so Linda leashed us up. We were about 1/2 mile away when it started sprinkling. Since I can't run that far, Linda picked me up and she jogged home. I hate getting wet, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. As much as I hate soggy fur and paws, I wouldn't want to wear this getup. If it would have thundered, I might have had a heart attack. Chim was so wound up from running that he tore around the house at a gallop when he got back inside. There isn't any dog walkers today, so Linda is going to try and race home the hour she has between her classes today to let him outside so he can stretch his legs and do his business.