Monday, July 25, 2011

Zombie Chimmie

Chim has really changed his eating habits.  When he first came to live with us at 12 weeks, he would scarf his food down so fast that Linda had to take the bowl ways after 15 seconds so he could stop to breathe.  Now, that he is older and realizes that he'll actually get fed twice a day, he isn't so crazy about his eating style.  For instance, this morning Linda put our food bowls down and walked away to get ready for work.  Chip, Chim and I all get fed in different parts of the house.  When she checked on us, Chip cat was eating my food (because she already finished hers) and I was nibbling on Chim's food.  He was busy destroying a toy and did not seem to be hungry.  He's actually down to 13.8 pounds now (all of it is muscle, he does not any fat), which is still GIANT for a Chihuahua.  He was the biggest of all his brothers and sisters.