Sunday, July 3, 2011
I predict that a nap on The Big Bed will be in our future this afternoon. I kept Linda up from the first faint crack of thunder, through the big boomers, then 30 minutes after the downpour stopped. I've been nervous in thunder storms, but not like this. I was panting double time, quaking and mewling all at once. Even burrowed under the covers where I could not see the lightening, I was still a mass of quivering Chalupa. She did not get up to check on Chimi because he was quite and did not make even a tiny yip. I finally settled down at 5:30 a.m., and then Linda normal wakes up just a little while after that. I need one of these doggie thunder/fireworks shirts. It's supposed to keep me calm during stressful events. The little shirt cost $40, but in independent trial studies it has calmed 80% of the dogs who wore it. The website even has testimonial videos of dogs before and after. They actually sell them at Whole Pets, a store not far from us. Maybe Linda could go buy me one today in anticipation for the fireworks tomorrow.