Linda was finally brave enough to do an (almost) complete search of the backyard to look for animal dens and other scary things. The only two places she was afraid to look were in the two old dog houses. Snickers and Sheeba's Igloo doghouses are still in the backyard. If I was a smart raccoon or other woodland creature, that is absolutely the very first place I would put my babies. The igloos are warm and insulated. No snow or rain can get inside and all in all, it's very cozy. Of course, that is probably where the nest is, but she was too chicken to go near it. She had another thought about the piece of animal Chimmie tried to bring inside. It had fur like a full grown animal, but it was small. She thought there were tiny feet on it, but the more she thinks about it, the more it could have been little blood or skin pieces. Maybe our resident hawk killed something and it was just a piece of a big animal? Her friend is going to come over and put a big light on the back deck so we can see if anything is about to get us when we do our night time bathroom breaks. I still vote for locking Chip outside at night and letting her deal with it. She could boss 80 pound Snickers around, a raccoon would not scare her!